Why IstockFile

How To Join Us

To avoid abuse, we need to check every account manually, please send a mail to support @ istockfile .com

About istocktext and istockfile link protector

- Where is istocktext and istocklinkprotector ?

istocktext and istockfile link protector are now managed by another team

- Are my files/links deleted ?

No, your files/links are not deleted, and the old links will be redirected. so you will not lose any data.

- Why?

When we started these 2 services, we did not anticipate that they become so popular.

Unfortunately, we are not able to continue to manage it (cost, a lot of abuse..), Also we feel that we have moved away from our main goal. so when we have found a serious team that can continue the adventure. we decided to yield it.

- Can istockfile encounter the same sort ?

No, we now have total control over the number of users, so that we can optimize our resources.